
build a Chicken coop easy to follow chicken coop plans

2010-05-05 910 Dailymotion

http://build-your-own-coop.com Easy Step by Step Plans to build your own chicken coop. These chicken coops and chicken houses are inexpensive and easy to follow. The fastest and simplest chicken coop plans available. Building chicken houses from prefab is a good idea to many. For one thing, it will definitely save time. For others though, the cheaper route is better as every cost incurred when raising chicken will always add to the cost of every head of chicken produced. Besides, there is really a definite satisfaction when you build and design your own chicken house. If the do-it-yourself chicken house is the route for you, the following will be helpful. The Layout - The key point is that chicken houses are places of shelter. As chicken are creatures of habit, the chicken coop must be a permanent safe retreat for chickens where they can roost, nest, feed, and stay healthy safely. A chicken coop will also need a chicken run. Chicken runs are the area outside of the coop where the chicken could roam about, forage for additional nutrition, play, and have dirt baths. The chicken run will depend much on the available space or local regulations. Generally, rural area regulations are relaxed followed by urban areas with strong farming backgrounds. Whether the dirt run is free range, confined, or fenced will vary on the type of predators that are in the area. The Design - Typically, a chicken will need about four square feet of space and three hens could share a nest. Each hen will also need a perch about 9" long. The design should also include a hatchway, storage area, ventilation, lighting and a feeder system. For a cleaner and healthier environment, design the floor to accommodate deep litter. This is normally done by piling three to four inches of wood shavings under the floor. Most people will design or make allowances for a feeder and water container and supply system, often though it is convenient to purchase the system in a local farm supply store. The Materials - You will need 4x4 wood for corner ...