
Blogging’s Next Step in a Microblogging World

2010-05-04 10 Dailymotion

Back in June, Steve Rubel, the SVP and Director of Insights for Edelman Digital, decided to shutter his much-acclaimed blog Micro Persuasion. According to Rubel, “blogging was getting old.” He realized that people do not have time to go to a website and read a 500 word essay. This trend can be partially credited to the extreme popularity of social networking and microblogging.

Nielsen Online found that the average American visits 111 domains and 2,554 web pages each month. Based upon those statistics, it is very important that content publishers have visibility everywhere that people are spending time.

As a result, Rubel found a new publishing platform that he believes is more efficient. The platform is called Posterous and it allows users to syndicate content out to the social networks they are personally involved with. It makes it a lot easier to publish to centralized places such as Facebook and Twitter, since people are already on those social networks.

Fortunately, Ru