
Oaks Admits That Mormons/MORmON leaders Committed the MMM!!

2010-04-13 1 Dailymotion

Current MORmON Apostle Dallin H. Oaks said: "I have no doubt, on the basis of what I have studied and learned, that Mormons, including local leaders of our church, were prime movers in that terrible episode & participated in the killing. And what a terrible thing to contemplate, that the barbarity of the frontier, & the conditions of the Utah war & whatever provocations were perceived to have been given, would have led to such an extreme episode, such an extreme atrocity perpetrated by members of my faith. I pray that the Lord will comfort those that are still bereaved by it, & I pray that he can find a way to forgive those who took such a terrible action against their fellow beings."

Well he has no need to pray for that, since the MORmON cult hierarchy/The First Presidency, has ALREADY FORGIVEN John D. Lee & reinstated his membership & all of his temple blessings on April 20, 1961.

D & C 42:18:"..he that kills shall NOT HAVE FORGIVENESS in this world, nor in the world to come."