
Increase Conversion Rates On Your Landing Pages - Presentati

2010-04-07 20 Dailymotion

http://bit.ly/a9Dc6I - Learn how to apply simple methods to easily increase conversion rates on your landing pages absolutely free.

These methods will help your affiliate marketing landing pages convert better and stronger over time as well due to the growing trend of "less is more".

I'll be creating a few more presentations soon on what I've learned and the "wash, rinse, & repeat" methods that super affiliates use over and over to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I'll also be doing a slideshow, "with audio next time!" :-) on the "less is more" method practiced by super affiliates and the companies in marketing and how to target key points of a product or offer the buyer or visitor is looking for to buy... "theres actually only five!"

Thanks for watching my first of many presentations to come!