Original Air Date: Monday December 12, 1988
Original Air Date: Monday December 12, 1988

Degrassi Junior High - s03e07 - "The Whole Truth" - (1 of 2)

2010-04-04 4 Dailymotion

s03e07 - "The Whole Truth" - (Part 1 of 2)

Original Air Date: Monday December 12, 1988

Caitlin is inspired after Liz educates her about animal testing and insists an article dedicated to the issue should be included in The Digest instead of Kathleen's article about school uniforms. Kathleen later confronts Caitlin about the whole truth about animals testing and how it's not always unnecessary. Caitlin conducts her own research and discovers her epilepsy pills are tested on animals.

When Joey's job at CRA-Z Radio begins to suffer after he fails to do the required janitorial work, he's later inspired by Dr. Sally who tells him she likes his demo and to keep up the good work.

Meanwhile, Bartholomew and Scooter learn a lesson about truth after ordering "sea creatures" to no prevail. Having witnessed their letdown, Mrs. Avery decides to intervene.