
Checklists of Jewish daily living Jewishly Jewu 541

2010-04-02 33 Dailymotion

Daily Jewish Checklist Today did I 1. Love God with all my heart soul and might? Pray? Say brachote when appropriate? Learn some Torah? Kiddush and not Hillul haShem-bring glory to God’s name 2. Love my neighbor as myself? Not lie, cheat, steal, gossip, avoid helping? Perform gmilut Hasidim-deeds of loving kindness 3. Help the Jewish people Volunteer? Do something positive for Israel? Donate? 4. Bring my family closer Malachai said the Messianic era will see fathers’ hearts turned towards sons, and sons towards fathers In short, today, did I learn, live and love Jewishly? Distributed by Tubemogul.