French icon Serge Gainsbourg was a singer, writer, composer and painter, but mostly a full time provocateur, famous for his unruly and unpredictable behavior in public. Gainsbourg: Je T’aime...Moi Non Plus is writer-director Joann Sfar’s adaptation of his own comic book, mixing film and animation to recount major events in the life of Gainsbourg: his childhood as a Jew during the war, his muses, addictions and famous public scandals. With a cast including top model Laetitia Casta as Brigitte Bardot, the late Lucy Gordon as Jane Birkin and lead actor Eric Elmosino eerily channeling Gainsbourg, the film is a dreamy portrait of the glamorous, yet destructive life of the artist, who is frequently mentioned as a major musical influence.
COLCOA / Saturday, April 24 at 8:30pm
West Coast Premiere
In French with English subtitles
Written and directed by: Joann Sfar
Cinematography by: Guillaume Schiffman
Editing by: Maryline Monthieux
Music by: Olivier Daviaud
Produced by: Marc du Pontavice, Didier Lupfer
Production Company: One World Films
Coproduction: Studio 37, Focus Features International, France 2 Cinéma, Lilou Films, Xilam Films
Writer-director JOANN SFAR is a prolific, award-winning comic book and graphic novel artist. Since the age of 23, he has published close to 150 works, including the Dungeon series with Lewis Trondheim (since 1998), the Sardine in Outer Space series with Emmanuel Guibert (2006-2008), Little Vampire (2008), Klezmer: Tales of the Wild East (2006) or The Rabbi’s Cat (2006 Eisner Award for Best U.S. Edition of Foreign Material). Following his first feature Gainsbourg: Je T’aime...Moi Non Plus, he co-directed an adaptation of The Rabbi’s Cat with Antoine Delesvaux, to be released in June 2010. He has also written several novels, directed animation short films, and directs a collection of books for children for Gallimard Jeunesse.