
JiJi Self Extractor Free RAR File Extractor

2010-02-25 1 Dailymotion

Free Self Extractor JiJi Self Extractor RAR File Extractor Tar Extractor 7z Extractor zip Extractor iso Extractor arj Extractor lzma Extractor cab Extractor, z Extractor rar Extractor bz2Extractor gz Extractor jar Extractor nsis Extractor cpio Extractor chm Extractor bzip2 Extractor

JiJi Self Extractor http://www.jijitechnologies.com

JiJi Self Extractor merges multiple files into a single self-extracting file.
Compressed files can be converted as a self extracting file, which would be automatically decompressed on self extraction. We support 15 different compression formats(7z, zip, rar etc.,) for auto decompression.
This facility would be convenient for data transfers across internet, e-mails. This is also suitable for packaging software for deployment on client machines.

The key features include

1) Merge multiple file as a single package.
2) Auto decompression facility available for compressed files
Compression format supported
,tar, 7z, zip, iso, arj, lzma, cab, z , rar,