
Vaginal yeast cure Vaginal Discharge And Odor Posted By: Mar

2009-12-02 4,192 Dailymotion

Vaginal discharge is a fluid or semisolid substance that flows out of the vaginal opening. Most women have vaginal discharge to some extent, and a small amount of vaginal discharge is a reflection of the body's normal cleansing process. The amount and type of vaginal discharge also varies among women and with the woman's menstrual cycle.

The amount of mucus produced by the cervical glands varies throughout the menstrual cycle. This is normal and depends on the amount of estrogen circulating in your body. It is also normal for the walls of the vagina to release some secretions. The amount depends on hormone levels in the body.

Help to prevent vaginal discharge:
a.Keep your genital area clean and dry.
b.Avoid douching. Many women suffer cleaner if they douche after menstruation or intercourse, it may actually worsen vaginal discharge because it take away healthy bacteria lining the vagina that are there to protect you from in