
Candida yeast Yoghurt, A Natural Cure For Yeast Infection Po

2009-11-22 1 Dailymotion

When you think of a natural cure for yeast infections, what is the first thing that comes to mind?


Yoghurt cures for yeast infections have been around for many many years and often thought of as an old wives tale. The fact is, it WORKS and has been proven in research trials.

Yeast infections are known as Candida and they can develop in both men and women. Common areas to find Candida are around dentures, under the breasts, the lower abdomen, around your nails, within folds of skin and the vagina.

There are many advantages in using yoghurt over traditional drug based medications. It is a milder treatment with no side effects, it is inexpensive and readily available.

You can not just go to your local supermarket and buy just any yoghurt off the shelf, the latest fad flavour may taste great but it will not cure your yeast infection! In fact the sugar contained in these types of yoghurt will feed the yeast infection and make it worse.