
Media Matters Admits Rush Didn't Make Key Racist Remarks

2009-10-24 64 Dailymotion

NOW They Tell Us Media Matters Admits Rush Didn't Make Key Racist Remarks

With Operation Smear Rush now (largely) complete and the damage done, "progressive" sleazemeisters are apparently ready to come clean with the truth: Limbaugh never made two key racist statementsThose alleged remarks, which were never sourced despite being repeated on MSNBC, CNN, in many newspapers and evening newscasts, ultimately cost Rush an opportunity to bid on the NFL's St Louis Rams.

And yet, despite the candid admission by Karl Frisch (right image, right side) of Media Matters during today's Stephanie Miller Show that no evidence could be found to support the claims, his organization's website appears silent on the matter.

In fact, when there was an opportunity to address the point here, his group said nothing, focusing instead on what it calls 28 "racially-charged" comments that weren't at issue during the Rams flap.