
Stephen Gately (Boyzone) dies while sleeping Peace ...

2009-10-12 1 Dailymotion

Stephen Gately (Boyzone) dies while Peace Nobel Obama runs WarCriminal Cabinet ++mc nicomedy2010 - "Obama Boyzone Thames13.1" feat. Thames13.1NoiseProd. vs. SlusherHaupt002 starring NSDAP [Nico's Sex Deutsche Arbiter Partei] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrSDCK9Y9ds http://friendfeed.com/ewing2001 Obama's SDI 2009 Darth Vader Cabinet Team: Charles F. Bolden, Jr. (NASA, Free Electron Laser Paper 1994, Alliant Techsystems Inc); Jon Huntsman (Reagan-SDI-Republican); Lt. General Raduege/CSIS, Eric Shinseki ['Objective Force' 99/FCS/Honeywell], Michael Hayden/CIA, James L. Jones [ACUS/Aspen Society, Chevron], Susan Rice [Brookings Institution], Peter R. Orszag [Brookings Institution], X. Becerra [Aspen], Michele Flournoy [Aspen], Den Blair [Iridium Satellite LLC/BinLadin Group], J. Holdren [Lawrence Livermore, Lockheed,Tsinghua University/DEW], Chu [Lawrence Berkeley], Gelbard [Paris Club], Eric S. Lander [MIT Center for Genome Research/fellowship foundation], NASA Administrator Michael Griffin [InQTel/CIA], Arne Duncan [Aspen], Ray LaHood [republican], Hillary Clinton ["china connection"]; etc... check out also: http://friendfeed.com/ewing2001 TOP 70 Most Interesting 'Power Structure' Companies and Institutions [ewing2001 ; compiled August 2009] http://tinyurl.com/9-11top70 NSDAP - Nico's Sex Deutsche Arbiter Partei http://bit.ly/2zBYDI G20-LRAD NoiseWeapon Remixes http://soundcloud.com/ewing2001/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4XdFS_RUk0 -)*"The 9/11 Gay Club"*(- [BUNDESTAGSWAHLEN-Mixxx] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTsg5LzF4jU 9/11 Anniversary Link Compilation [by ewing2001] http://krunchd.com/911whoandwhy ewing2001/nicopedia: best of research/reports etc.. at friendfeed http://ff.im/4g0NX EADS/Arianespace to Launch swiss-RUAG linked ST-2 For Singapore And Taiwan - http://ff.im/4e9gs ; NASA to launch delayed space shuttle Endeavour on Wednesday http://ff.im/42Opc ; Google[-Earth] sponsor links to Obama confirmed http://ff.im/3RyHf ; KerryDean Blog still moderates AirFrance "ConspTheories" by ...