

2009-10-02 1,867 Dailymotion


http://peoplestring.com/?u=PeopleStringGroup >

PeopleString is a NEW online network that shares 70% of its revenue with its members. You can become a PeopleString member for free because of this people are naturally skeptical because they can't understand how a company can pay you to open up your mail.

PeopleString generates its revenue the same way Google and Facebook does, by all of the advertising and click through fees that the sites traffic create. The only difference is that PeopleString shares this revenue and allows it advertisers to advertise directly to you.

So instead of paying $2 just for a person to click on my add, an advertiser you can pay a PeopleString member who has agreed to open the mail and who took a survey saying they may be interested in a particular item. This means more mail opened and money in the PeopleString members pocket.
