
ArmA 2: Max View Distance (TEST)

2009-07-15 1 Dailymotion

Chernarus & Utes Island.
FPS from 10 to 20.

Playing with:
AMD Athlon 4400+ (2300 @ 2800);
Asus Ge Force 9800 GT Matrix (612: 1512: 900);
4 x 1 Gb Ram 800 Mhz Kingston

Game settings:

Resolution & 3D resolution: 1280:1024;
Texture & AA: Normal;
Anisotrope filtering: Very high;
Terrain details & objects: Very low & Low;
Shadows, Post effects: Off;
Video memory: High

Version 1.02, better game code than Armed Assault.
For my hardware, the best view distance is from 1000 to 3000 (with battles).