This video, visually depicting to particular pages of a federal district court complaint filed in Maine in 2025, documents written statements in the complaint by Dana Prescott and Lani Anne Remick, both lawyers.
The lawsuit allegations, here in a text-based art video series, document harms caused by the conduct of lawyers: Prescott and Remick, alleged to have made over 177 false statements about a person’s mental illness disability, to exploit societal stigma, fear, and prejudice. The viewer is invited to consider: Did Prescott and Remick compromise the integrity of the legal system and violate their duties as officers of the court?
If so, the harm to the courts is profound. The legal system relies on truth and fairness to deliver justice. When lawyers distort facts, they corrupt judicial proceedings, mislead decision-makers, and undermine confidence in the system’s impartiality. By leveraging stigma and fear, Prescott and Remick introduced bias into court process that should be governed by evidence and reason. Prescott's and Remick's alleged 177 false statements turned Maine courtrooms into platforms for prejudice, violating a core principle that courts must provide equal justice to all, including individuals with mental illness disabilities. The viewer is invited to consider.
The harm to the public is equally significant. Lawyers have a unique authority to shape societal perceptions, and when they use that authority to reinforce harmful stereotypes, the impact extends beyond the individuals they harm. Prescott and Remick’s alleged 177 false statements perpetuate the fear and stigma surrounding mental illness. This misuse of their professional standing fosters distrust not only in the legal profession but also in the fairness of the justice system, weakening society’s belief in its ability to protect the rights of vulnerable individuals. The viewer is invited to contemplate this as well.
This text-based art video series documents these harms through the written words of Dana Prescott and Lani Anne Remick themselves, exposing how their written statements abused their status as licensed attorneys; and documents the lasting damage caused when officers of the court exploit fear and prejudice for money and self-gain as alleged in the complaint.