Lose belly fat and 14lbs of "CRAP" like Bill did (True Story) http://www.bowelblaster.com (for your FREE Report) and http://www.loreetaylorjordan.com/natures_pharmacy/bowel_blaster_program.htm If you have constipation, gas bloating, IBS you may have internal parasites and in need of a deep colon cleansing. Loree's kick-butt-clean out the crud cleansing drink is not for sissies. If you really want to detox your system, relieve your constipation this is the cleansing program for you.This cleansing program is great to use in conjuction with colonics. Tony Robbins endorses Loree Taylor Jordan, Colon Detoxification Expert, Award-Winning Author and Speaker at his Life Mastery Program. Get more of Loree's INCREDIBLE Detox and Cleanse recipes at http://www.loreetaylorjordan.com/natures_pharmacy/bowel_blaster_program.htm. She often runs SPECIALS so be sure to check back often