
A lovely way to spend an evening (sing)

2025-02-13 3 Dailymotion

This is a lovely way to spend an evening
Can't think of anything I'd rather do
This is a lovely way to spend an evening
Can't think of anyone as lovely as you

A casual stroll through a garden
A kiss by a lazy lagoon
Catching a breath of moonlight
Humming our favorite tune

This is a lovely way to spend an evening
I want to save all my nights and spend them with you

曾經跟一個女孩第一晚約會 ;晚飯去了一間我常去的Crepe,法國佬開的小餐館;跟住去了一間有個舞池的小酒吧;我們在彩光照耀的玻璃球下共舞, 暈眩,整個世界只剩下我們。。。那夜我想我心裡哼着這首歌。。。。後來我們每天約會,她住荃灣,我每晚送她回家然後坐尾班車回家;因那時要早起,在無人的地鐵裡睡著,車一停,我從座位的一邊被滑到另一邊,醒來繼續睡,亦試過錯過站,要搭的士走回頭路。。。。那年我裝得很像一個有為青年,帶上假眼鏡,西裝上班。。。但很快我變回一個”夜行動物“, 回到酒吧與夜總會的生活。