
Trey Knowles: America Confusion Divide And Conquer

2025-01-21 2 Dailymotion

White people have been exposing Black people in America to sinful things so they can curse themselves. Did President Obama try to do the same thing back?

We are like sheep amongst wolves. So therefore be wise as a serpent but be harmless as a dove, as explained. America Confusion Divide & Conquer shows how one side of America sees America as good. The other side of America sees America as evil. You will learn how America is conquered and divided by confusion. World leaders have three objectives in mind: 1) recruit converts, 2) control lives, and 3) make money. You will learn the tricks and schemes to enforce a belief system often dividing the world into "good, aware, wonderful us" and "evil, unaware, ignorant them".

Confusion creates war within self and others. Criticism or complaints are handled by showing the subject that he, she or the systems are somehow flawed, not the group or the ideology being advanced. The subject is taught the system is always right and they are always wrong. Contrary to what might be professed, they soon learn through experience that the system's only true authority is Jesus. Chess match between Good Vs Evil fighting for sovereignty.

In America Confusion Divide & Conquer the plot is like this: The same way Balaam is hired to curse Israel, The enemy within curse America, by exposure. Unseen Spiritual warfare games are being played amongst the people of America through the principalities of America. Confusion comes in the claim of Christianity, used by the principalities as a weapon for deception.

The Ideology of Black Liberation Theology is used by President Obama to destroy the system of the United States. Obama knows he can't destroy America by force but if he destroys America by putting a curse on them as they did to his people. Why would President Obama pass a same-sex marriage act?

Just like the devil deceived and put the curse on Adam and Eve, President Obama is doing the same thing to America to destroy the system and free the people by using Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals Rule 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.) "You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

People have become immune to a lifestyle or culture opposite to God's character. Wants and desires become a curse on a nation of people. False Prophet Behavior versus Antichrist behavior, sovereignty war of deception for human rights used by the weapon of wants and desires, just like the serpent did to Adam and Eve. See with your own eyes, this is what is happening in America.