
The Guru Question: Identifying True and False Gurus or Spiritual Leaders

2024-12-24 2 Dailymotion



1. His past is unclear, vague and mysterious
You will find that accounts of his past life before he became a guru are unclear and contain many contradictions, hyperboles and misinformation which make it very difficult to know whether he is truly enlightened or pretending to be one. You may also hear few scandals and controversies about his past such as fake educational qualifications and other credentials or marital problems.

2. He does not truly practice renunciation
You will find that although he is a sanyasi who renounced his family and worldly life, his family members still hang around him and look after his business and daily activities. Besides wielding power and influence over him, they enjoy his trust and confidence, while ordinary followers do the chores and lead a hard life.

3. He prefers the company of rich and powerful people
You will see that the guru does not treat his followers according to their spirituality but their wealth and power or nationality. They manage to gain easy access and spend quality time with him, while others have to be content with seeing him from a distance or meeting him by chance or after a long wait.

4. His actions betray his ethical and spiritual conduct
You will find that although the guru preaches virtuous conduct and ethical living (https://www.spreaker.com/blog/the-epicurean-philosophy-and-its-significance-in-spiritual-evolution/) , his personal conduct betrays his true nature as a materialistic person as he lacks true contentment and habitually engages in the violation of Asteya (non-stealing) and Aparigraha (non-covetousness) to increase his net worth.

5. He exploits his disciples to promote his goals
You will see that the guru makes clever use of the talents and skills of his followers, offering them little in return, except the satisfaction that they are working for a noble cause. You will see that people who were otherwise successful, donated their life savings to him and remain at his mercy, doing menial tasks.

6. He is motivated by name and fame, power and influence
You will see the guru is a good at public relations and spends a lot of time promoting himself and his greatness or increasing his following and popularity directly or through his trusted followers. From his actions and decisions, you will wonder whether his real motive is to spread spirituality or use it to earn name and fame or wealth and awards.

7. He is not free from pride, anger, egoism and envy
You will find that the guru is not truly free from egoism, anger or vengeance. While he preaches tolerance and compassion, he does not easily forgive or forget those who betray him or turn against him. You will hear them being trolled, ridiculed ostracized, threatened or humiliated by his loyal and trusted disciples. He may even engage a group of lawyers to intimidate his critics.

8. He advocates....