
When Python meets Metal - Using Selenium to create a Finnish Metal bands database (Pt.1 of 2)

2024-12-19 2 Dailymotion

#dataanalysis,#python ,#selenium,#metalmusic,#webscraping

Python, Metal Music and Finland.
Let me present you a Data Analysis Project mixing these three elements that I love!
In this first (of two) part we'll create a database of Finnish Metal bands by retrieving data online with Selenium.
Let me thank Metal-archives.com (Encyclopaedia of Metallum) for their assistance and the temporary pass for retrieving data in spite of recent security measures.

Warning! At the time I'm writing this, probably you are still not allowed to use any bots or any python codes for replicating these data.
But don't panic! I stored the data downloaded into an Excel file so that you can follow and replicates all the rest of the Project!
Just follow carefully my instructions on this video and enjoy it!

00:00 - Intro
02:27 - DON'T SKIP THIS PART!(warning sign):Everything to know about Selenium's version,dependencies and connection set up
08:36 - Let's download our dataframe of Finnish Metal Bands! Connection,page Inspection and retrieving of data from Metalarchive.com
23:36 - Dataframe created! Now, some fast cleaning and preliminary data manipulation. Finally, save data into an excel file for Part 2.
27:09 - Ending

Github files: https://github.com/beppedataworld/Geo-Map-of-Finnish-Metal-Bands
Medium article: https://medium.com/@beppedataworld/when-python-meets-metal-a-project-using-selenium-and-geopandas-82810056d8f4
Encyclopaedia of Metallum: https://www.metal-archives.com/
webdrivermanager link: https://pypi.org/project/webdriver-manager/
Selenium webdriver issues and versions: https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/webdriver/troubleshooting/errors/driver_location/
some Selenium commands official doc: https://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/locating-elements.html

🎸------------Music Credits-----------🤘
-Opening Song: The Story Teller by geoffharvey (https://pixabay.com/it/music/fantasia-e-bambini-sognanti-the-story-teller-172431/)

-Video main TRACK: Lords of Iron (album "Northern Steel") by ANTTI MARTIKAINEN (https://anttimartikainen.com/)

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Medium: https://beppedataworld.medium.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/beppedataworld

#dataanalysis,#python ,#selenium,#metalmusic,#webscraping,#dataanalytics