
Cat Sneezing Frequently: Know the Reasons

2024-12-01 13 Dailymotion

Cat Sneezing Frequently: Know the Reasons

If your cat is sneezing frequently, pay close attention.

Cat sneezing a lot: what could it be? What to do?
Noticing your cat sneezing a lot can be a warning sign. A sneeze from time to time is normal, but if this becomes frequent, it is important to observe and pay attention to some details.
Sneezing can be caused by irritation in the nasal mucosa, which is a natural reaction of the body to unwanted particles. So, when you notice your cat sneezing, first assess whether he is in a new, unusual environment. Sometimes, moving house brings you into contact with mites that your pet is not yet familiar with. In this case, sneezing is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate them.

Some symptoms of a cat sneezing
Sneezing in cats can be nasal or mouth. But if you notice your cat coughing, this could also mean a symptom of irritation. After all, cats already have smaller nostrils and don't usually breathe through their mouths.
Some signs are easy to identify and can help your veterinarian if you need to take your kitten to a specialist:
Nasal secretion present
Red eyes with excessive secretion
Difficulty breathing
Weight loss
Lack of interest in food

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