
Recurring Item Journal for "Item Transfer" in Business Central #recurring #journal #items #d365bc

2024-11-16 10 Dailymotion

💁Agenda of the Video▶️: How-To Use 🔹Recurring Item Journal🔹for🔸Fixed Monthly Item Transfer🔸from Receiving or Main Store to Production House/Location in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
💁Read the Related Short-Blog Post: ➡️📝🔗https://navisionfunctionalexpert.com/short-blog/f/recurring-journal-multiple-recurring-methods-in-businesscentral
✍️Frequency Method = Variable✅; If you want to change "Quantity" and "Amount" every time, then select Frequency as Variable.
#recurringitemjournal #microsoftdynamics365businesscentral #dynamics365businesscentral
💁Ques: What Are Recurring Journals?
✅Ans: Recurring journals are very similar to basic journals. The only difference is that in Recurring Journals the lines won't be deleted when posting.
In addition, the lines will increase their posting date depending on the frequency we have established.
This way we can save time for repetitive posting tasks. We won't need to create them every time.