
Israeli Forces Ambushed in Nablus: Al-Quds Brigades Repel Israeli Attack with Heavy Gunfire, Bombs

2024-11-16 81 Dailymotion

Israeli occupation forces launched a late-night raid on the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, but were met with fierce resistance from the Al-Quds Brigades and local Palestinian fighters. The operation quickly escalated as the fighters ambushed the Israeli troops near the al-Ain refugee camp, responding with heavy gunfire and detonating explosive devices. The incursion into Nablus was part of a broader wave of Israeli military operations targeting Palestinian areas, but the strong retaliation from local resistance groups highlighted the ongoing volatility and increasing clashes in the region.

#NablusRaid #AlQudsBrigades #WestBankConflict #IsraeliOccupation #PalestinianResistance #AlQassamBrigade