
Bread And Circuses

2024-11-12 3 Dailymotion

America offers bread and circuses in which people become enslaved. Since the people are into their idols. Let them work, pay them, let them spend their money, and let it go back into the rich man's pockets. For it is the mechanism of America. Keep the population content.

Give them pork to eat. LOL, I am joking. America is a stumbling block. The evil is not in bread and circuses but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men to fill their bellies of excitement that does not glorify God.

1 Corinthians 6:13, Food is for the stomach; and the stomach is for food. This is the sort of statement that a very greedy person might declare. There were some Christians in Corinth who liked their food too much. However, Paul’s real subject here is other kinds of wrong desires. Wrong desires can take control of a person’s life and they can ruin that person’s relationship with God.

Corinthians 6:13 is: ‘What I want is good for me.’ And Paul’s reply seems angry; it means: ‘What you want is wrong, and evil! God will certainly bring about the end of all that you desire!’ In particular, Paul mentions the wrong desire for sex. That is the desire for sex when God’s law does not permit it. Of course, we feel in our bodies a desire for such things, but that feeling is not good. It is not helpful to us. It will not improve our relationship with God. If we give in to that feeling, it will spoil our relationship with God.

We must not just do what we want. We must always ask ourselves what God wants. If we want the wrong things, we must ask God to help us. We need him to change our thoughts and desires so that they are more like his thoughts and desires.

At the end of the verse, Paul offers us a better statement to remember. ‘The body is for the Lord (Christ), and the Lord for the body.’ He means, ‘God knows what is best for us. So we must give ourselves completely to him. And we should use our bodies and do what he considers right and good. We need to guard our hearts not allowing anything that is not like the spirit of God to enter our temple.