
Quran ,Pak Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything.

2024-11-10 10 Dailymotion

The Qur'an describes Allah as the creator of all things, the judge and rewarder, and the sole sovereign of the Muslim faith:

Omniscient: Allah has known everything since before the creation of the world.

Creator: Allah created everything from nothing and is not in need of a consort or offspring.

Judge and rewarder: Allah loves those who do good, but will not forgive polytheism.

Sole sovereign: Allah is unique and inherently one, and there is no god worthy of worship except him.

All-merciful: Allah is infinitely forgiving, but will not forgive polytheism.

Maintainer: Allah maintains everything and has the keys to the heavens and the earth.

The Qur'an also describes Allah as the "Lord of the Worlds" and the "Most High".