
Speeding on Scotland's roads is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths

2024-09-09 3,008 Dailymotion

The Scottish Government, including the Scottish Safety Camera Programme, is tackling speeding on Scotland's roads with a new road safety campaign, asking drivers to slow down to help reduce collisions and casualties Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop, and Police Scotland’s Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan launched the campaign at the Traffic Scotland National Control Centre in South Queensferry.
With speeding contributing to 1 in 5 deaths on Scotland’s roads1, safety cameras play a crucial role in reducing speed and casualties, ultimately saving lives.
Global research shows that camera sites led to 42% less fatal or serious injuries over a four-year period, while fixed camera sites reduced the number of speeders by 70% in the same time period.2
Nearly half (44%) of reported casualties on Scotland's roads take place on rural roads, however because speeds are higher on these roads, they account for almost three-quarters (74%) of road deaths.3 Research shows fatal collisions caused by drivers travelling at 65mph could be halved if the drivers slowed down by just 5mph.4
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop, said: "No matter how experienced you are as a driver, collisions can happen to anyone, and the consequences could be devastating – for you, for other road users, and for loved ones.