
1960s President Johnson PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial

2024-09-08 0 Dailymotion

1960s President Johnson PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial.

Do you think the ORANGE TURD will do a PSA commercial for U.S. Savings bonds, with his ORANGE TURD face (and name) emblazoned on the front of the bond? He cares nothing about the American people, and everything about his personal well being. Take George Washington off the U.S. savings bond, and put a GIGANTIC ORANGE TURD on it

I wonder how long it will take for BUYER'S REMORSE, amongst the ORANGE TURD voters to strike? I am talking about the voters who will be feeling the brunt of his handiwork. Some Hispanics voted for him, and they will regret it. Women that voted for him will hate that they will be expected to be BAREFOOT & PREGNANT (figuratively speaking). Every good thing that Biden did for Americans (using Presidential signing orders) will be erased by the ORANGE TURD.

Thank goodness he does not have a super-majority in the Senate. The Dems still have the fillibuster, and also will have moderate Republican Sen Murkowski (Alaska) & Sen Collins (Maine) to help. The two Senators hate his guts. Both times that he was impeached - they voted in favor of CONVICTION. They know his inner evilness. They saw it first-hand. It is sad that all of the other Republican Senators & House members are afraid of his wrath. They are usually immune from losing their jobs in a General election, but they can be knocked out in a Primary election. It is easier to KISS his fat BUTT!

The Democrats (plus Collins & Murkowski) will need to BLOCK everything in the SENATE. Hopefully, the ORANGE TURD will not ruin the country too much. It took 4 years to semi fix the SCREWUPS from his first administration.

If Judge Merchan had only sentenced the ORANGE TURD back in July. He was guilty of TEN counts of contempt of court, and multiple felony counts, and he will get away with it - because Merchan has teeny tiny balls (just my humble opinion).

Also, if the Fulton County DA (Fani Willis) had only kept her love life on hold. The Georgia trial (and CONVICTION) would of kept the ORANGE TURD from winning. Hey, ORANGE TURD voters - he was recorded asking The GA Secretary of State to add extra votes to his total. If a Dem had done that - Fox (Faux News) News would of been screaming for a conviction.

If the U.S. government had only brought charges 6 months earlier, we would not have to live through the next 4 years of misery (plus the multiple years of semi-misery, that we will be forced to go through, while it is being repaired by the 2028 Democrat.

A non-sentenced FELON in the White House. We as Americans, must be the ENVY of the world (sarcastically said).

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