
How To Make Chicken Momos & Spicy Chutney at Home

2024-08-28 5 Dailymotion

How To Make Chicken Momos & Spicy Chutney at Home

#ChickenMomos #MomosRecipe #SpicyChutney #HowToMakeMomos #SteamedChickenMomos #MomosChutney

Craving street food? Learn how to make Chicken Momos with Spicy Chutney right at home! This easy step-by-step recipe delivers juicy momos and spicy chutney, capturing the authentic street-style flavours you love.


A) To Prepare Spicy Momos Chutney :

15 Boiled Red Bedgi or Kashmiri Chillies
3 Roasted Tomatoes
15 Garlic Flakes
1 Tsp Sugar
Salt as per taste
3 Green Chillies
Little Coriander Leaves
1/2 Lemon Juice
Tomato Sauce (Optional)

Grind all ingredients above to a fine paste.


B) To Prepare Dough For Chicken Momos :

Maida as required
Salt as per taste

Mix all ingredients and then sprinkle water little by little and knead till it forms a dough.
Refrigerate the dough for 2 hours.


C) To Prepare Chicken Momos :

500gms Chicken Mince
Chopped Onions
Chopped Ginger
Chopped French Beans & Carrots
Chopped Coriander Leaves
Chilli Flakes
1 Tsp White Vinegar
Salt as per taste

Mix all ingredients very well.

After 2 Hours once again knead the dough & roll the dough & cut the dough into equal small parts.
Dust each pieces.
Roll the dough into thin small round discs.
Fill the small disc with chicken stuff prepared.
Seal the edges of the disc as shown in the video.

Greese the Steamer plate with oil.
Apply oil to each Chicken Momos, so it doesn't stick to each other.
Steam all the Chicken Momos in the Steamer for about 20 minutes on medium flame.

Your Chicken Momos with Spicy Chutney is Ready.

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