438 Assignment 2 Solution 2022-Autuman 2022-Q No 5-AIOU
Rectify the following errors by passing the necessary journal entries.
a. The sales book has been under-cast by Rs. 8,000.
b. A cheque drawn for wages for Rs. 1, 500 was wrongly posted to wages A/c as Rs. 1, 400.
c. Furniture purchased for Rs. 1,040 has been debited to purchase A/c as Rs. 1,640.
d. Rs. 550 received from Rahim debited to his account.
e. Discount received Rs. 200 was posted to the wrong side of Discount A/C
f. Rs. 7,000 paid in cash for a typewriter was charged to office expenses account
g. Stationary purchased for Rs. 890 but debited to stationary A/c as Rs. 980.