
Full Pachas __ Urdu Rap King __ Talha Anjum Feat Talha Younus __ Young Sturnners __ Prod.QM Music

2024-07-27 72 Dailymotion

First track from the mixtape #Mein.
Written/Performed by Talha Anjum & Talhah Yunus. Music Produced by QM Music.
Executive Producer Umair Khan a.k.a Jokhay.

The original song is sung by @Talha Anjum and Talha Younis

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The video is edited by me but the music and images used in this video are not owned by me. It belongs to their respective owner(s).

Original Channel -  / @talhaanjum
Original video/Audio Link : 01. FULL PACHAS
• 01. FULL PACHAAS - Talha Anjum Feat. ...

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