Hello, Welcome to my channel. If you like crafts, paper work, origami, best out of waste and creativity this channel is absolutley for you. You are welcome to share video and its strictly prohibited to reupload in facebook, youtube, twitter or any social media. Legal action will be taken in case of unauthorized re-upload
DIY Origami How to make 3D Pop up Card Heart. It is very easy to make paper crafts even for a beginner! Also, such crafts can be done with children, it will turn out to be a fun game!
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papercraft# papercraft diy# cartão pop up# arte e artesanato fácil# estúdio de origami# cartão feito à mão# cartão de papel# artesanato em papel# papercraft# cartão de papel# cartão de papel fácil# cartão feito à mão# cartão de dia dos namorados# cartão modelador de coração