
Cracking The Entrepreneur Bottleneck podcast entrepreneur guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Call Center

2024-07-16 0 Dailymotion

Cracking The Entrepreneur Bottleneck with Laurent Notin. A business created on grit by Richard Blank

Interviews, Cracking The Entrepreneur Bottleneck. A successful business needs consistency and grit.

The Secrets of Business Growth from 16 Years of Successful Entrepreneurship with Richard Blank


Laurent Notin is a Coach to entrepreneurs, start-up mentor, and the host of Inter:views, Cracking The Entrepreneurship Code podcast.

Being an entrepreneur is a calling. You either have it in you, or you don’t. There's no alternative. And it’s one of the hardest jobs!

You’ve got to wear many hats, acquire many skills, and make many decisions – fast. All whilst under extreme pressure to deliver quality work for your clients, take care of your employees, and ensure you don’t run out of cash flow.

Your biggest risk?

Becoming the bottleneck in your business.

Many people will tell you it’s cash flow or unsuccessful marketing tactics. But it’s not.

Having run several SMEs and mentored hundreds of business owners – I can tell you - the biggest risk your business will ever face is YOU!