
Blackpool North candidates quizzed on housing and what improvements they would bring to the local area

2024-06-27 546 Dailymotion

The Blackpool Gazette and Blackpool Lead invited the candidates standing for the Blackpool North constituency at next month's general election to a hustings in which they fielded questions from voters.

The candidates standing for election on 4th July were each given 90 seconds to answer questions from an audience at a Cleveleys venue.

Six out of the eight people on the ballot took part in the event with Jeannine Creswell (Social Democratic Party) missing and a stand-in taking the place of the absent Lorraine Beavers.

In order of appearance on stage:

PAUL MAYNARD (Conservative Party)
JAMES RUST (Monster Raving Loony Party)
GITA GORDON (Independent)
BILL GREENE (Liberal Democrats)
TINA ROTHERY (Green Party)
CLIVE GRUNSHAW (Labour [Stand-in])