
Amputee gets 3D-printed bionic gauntlet after he lost his fingers in accident

2024-06-12 50 Dailymotion

An amputee who lost his fingers in a work accident is thrilled to be back doing everyday tasks - after being fitted with intelligent 3D-printed fingers.

Ex-lorry driver Michael Altheim, 52, had four fingers on his right hand amputated after a work accident - but has now finally had his independence restored.

British company Open Bionics had fitted Michael with a state-of-the-art Hero Gauntlet - making him the first person in Germany to have 3D-printed fingers.

Michael is now looking forward to returning to his beloved hobby, fishing, as well as merely being able to grip and hold everyday objects.

He said: “I previously had partial finger solutions, but the weight was really heavy, operation minimal and it wasn’t waterproof.

"I could maybe fold a towel but that was it. I’ve never been able to properly hold a screwdriver or hammer, or use it for fishing.

“When I slipped the Hero Gauntlet on and moved my joint and my fingers went, I thought in amazement, 'Oh yes, look there!'.

"And then we went on and on, trying out and adjusting everything. They got a ball, then a screwdriver... I could finally control the hardness of my grip."

Michael was sanding a sports field ten years ago when a glove he was wearing became caught in the treadmill of the machine he was operating.

The unfortunate accident meant he had to have four fingers on his right hand amputated.

But ten years on, his custom-built Hero Gauntlet means he can now finally return to the everyday activities and hobbies he was forced to leave behind.

Michael, from Frankfurt in central Germany, was particularly impressed by the speed at which he was able to grasp objects.

"The new hand works perfectly without any delay," he said, adding that he was once again able to hold a shopping basket with one hand whilst using his free hand to select and pick up items.

The space-age partial hand prosthetic works by flexing the wrist to control finger movement, and is custom-made for each wearer using 3D scanning, printing and modelling technology.

It enables those born without fingers or those who've undergone partial hand amputation to regain their hand functionality.

The waterproof and lightweight device is described as the difference between wearers being able to hold cutlery to cut their food or having to find an alternative method.

Samantha Payne, COO and co-founder at Open Bionics, added: "We’ve had so many requests from the limb difference community to design and develop a partial hand solution that offers function and comfort for all-day wear.

"It’s pure joy to see this piece of engineering have an instant positive impact on activities Michael loves doing."

Award-winning company Open Bionics is currently working with insurance groups across Germany to offer their technology to partial hand amputees.

Michael was the first patient to undergo a successful trial of the new technology, though the company revealed there are many more German citizens currently undergoing trials.