
THE LAUNDRY ROLEPLAYING GAME - The RPG of cosmic horror, tech-driven magic & occult spycraft return!

2024-04-27 175 Dailymotion

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❤️‍ To support the project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cubicle-7-games/the-laundry-roleplaying-game-second-edition/description
⭐ Website: https://cubicle7games.com/

Welcome to the Laundry! You’re one of the unlucky few standing between humanity and unspeakable - often unpronounceable - supernatural, alien, and interdimensional threats.

You’re a spy. Well, you are now, at least. Previously, you were someone who learned things humanity was not meant to know. Namely, that magic is real, it exists in the higher realms of mathematics, and it has some really messed up devotees. And if you know that much, then you’re not left with much of a choice — you work for the Laundry now.

If you’re familiar with Charles Stross’ award-winning The Laundry Files series or the first edition of the award-winning Laundry RPG, you know all this already and can skip to looking at the books, the new award-winning game system, or just go ahead and pick a pledge level already. Just remember that everything here has won awards, ok? Lots of them.

If you are new to the Laundry, you are in for a treat – read on for the primer. You should also bear in mind the awards thing.

New Operative Onboarding

There are things out there, in the weirder reaches of space-time, where reality is an optional extra. Horrible things, sometimes with actual tentacles. Al-Hazred glimpsed them, John Dee summoned them, HP Lovecraft wrote about them, and Alan Turing mapped the paths from our universe to theirs. It turns out that mathematics really is magic, or at least that aspects of it describe, enable and power magic. And computing power supercharges it.

The right calculation can call up entities from other, older universes, or invoke their powers. Invisibility? Easy! Binding lesser demons to your will? Trivial! Opening up the way for the Great Old Ones to come through and eat our brains? Unfortunately, much too easy.

That’s where the Laundry comes in. It’s a branch of the British secret service tasked with preventing alien gods from wiping out all life on Earth, with a policy focus on the United Kingdom. You work for the Laundry. The hours are long, the pay is bad, and the bureaucracy is stifling, but unfortunately, you know too much to really have a choice in the matter.

There are some upsides – you get to play with all sorts of magically enhanced tech, from necronom-iPhones loaded with cutting-edge occult apps to basilisk guns that [REDACTED]. Plus, you’ve got a job for life, and possibly beyond (talk to Residual Human Resources to find out more).

You may even get to save the world. Just make sure you get a receipt.