
Positive PR Vlogmas 2020 Part 4: Happy 25th Birthday Amberlynn

2024-04-14 4 Dailymotion

We start off in Wasabi's penthouse suit before a close call between a purse and a dog. Nothing breakable. While at work Amberlynn shares that she has reached 800 subscribers on YouTube. We have a Walmart haul on the bed which includes easy digestion hard cat food for Wasabi. He has been using the red couch as a litter box, so they also picked up spray to try to deter him from doing that. They were kind enough to buy shoes for one of the residents at work but no time to buy shoes for themselves. They plan to celebrate the holidays & Amberylnn's birthday by taking a trip. We watch Destiny make fudge for the first time. Then the big day has arrived and they are at a hotel with a birthday cake and tie.