
Personal speed run of ZOMBIES IN SPACELAND! (17:35)

2024-04-13 2 Dailymotion

In this video, me and Zane speed run ZOMBIES IN SPACELAND. This is a part of a stream. To watch the full stream click the link below.

Full stream - https://www.youtube.com/live/UWhvh8GcPs0?si=Q163wECFsPGWudFK

To watch my streams live check out my channel or you can follow my Twitch.

Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/schmidt_tube

Also shout out to Zane!

Time stamps in the speed run!
Sati-Com 1 (2:59) - 3:31
Sati-Com 2 (5:31) - 6:04
Sati-Com 3 (8:39) - 9:12
Tone Placement (13:43) - 14:16
Simon Says (15:53) - 16:26
Easter Egg Complete (17:35) - 18:12

Warning: this is a personal speed run not a professional speed run.

I hope you enjoy the video and if you enjoy it hit that subscribe button.

[#schmidttube, #callofduty, #callofdutyinfinitewarfare, #zombies, #zombiesinspaceland, #easteregg, #speedrun, #personalspeedrun, #duos, #zane, #willardwyler, #davidhasselhoff, #clowns, #aliens, #ufo, #wonderweapon, #fateandfortunecard, #packapunch, #kendall44, #saticom, #toneplacement, #simonsays, #portal, #calculator, #boombox, #umbrella, #vod, #basement, #shop, #fountains, #fps, #shooter, #adventuregame, #action, #adventure, #twitchstream]