

2024-04-09 280 Dailymotion

2024年4月7日よりTOKYO MX、BS日テレほかにて放送開始!
As for the TV anime for Vampire Dormitory, main PV has finally arrived.

TOKYO MX:4月7日(日)から毎週日曜日23:30~

先行:Lemino/アニメタイムズ  4月7日(日)23:30~




“I want to become your thrall …!”
A crossdressing girl and doting vampire’s dangerous cohabitation is about to begin!

To celebrate 70 years of Nakayoshi magazine and 20 years since manga author Ema Toyama’s debut, the manga Vampire Dormitory, serialized in Nakayoshi (Kodansha) will finally be made into an anime!
After losing her parents and being abandoned by her relatives, Mito is left all alone in the world. When she’s kicked out of the restaurant where she works with no money and no place to live, she is taken in by Ruka, a vampire. In exchange for giving Ruka her blood as his “food,” she ends up living with him in a boys’ dorm full of beautiful boys with unique personalities…?!
Charged with bringing this story of the chaos created by a crossdressing girl and her heart-pounding love to life are the team from Smile Down the Runway and Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan, director Nobuyoshi Nagayama and scriptwriter Toko Machida. Studio Blanc. will handle the animation production.
In 2024, the curtain will rise on a love story all girls who want to be head over heels in love should watch!

市ノ瀬加那/ Kana Ichinose
土岐隼一/Shuichi Toki
梅原裕一郎/Yuuichirou Umehara
羽多野 渉/Wataru Hatano
白井悠介/Yusuke Shirai
榊原優希/Yuki Sakakihara

原作:遠山えま 「なかよし」(講談社)連載中
Original Story:Vampire Dormitory(Serialized in Kodansha’s Nakayoshi)Author:Ema Toyama
監督:長山延好/Director: Nobuyoshi Nagayama
脚本:待田堂子/Screenplay:Toko Machida
キャラクターデザイン:靏田尚見/Character Designs:Naomi Tsuruta
アニメーション制作:スタジオブラン/Animation Production:Studio Blanc.
オープニングテーマ:「Sugar Blood Kiss」 FANTASTICS/opening theme song  FANTASTICS - Sugar Blood Kiss
製作:「ヴァンパイア男子寮」製作委員会/Presented by:“Vampire Dormitory” Production Committee


#ヴァンパイア男子寮 #vampiredormitory #FANTASTICS