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## Checkout Our Other Repositories:
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/pyPortMan
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/transformers_stock_prediction
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/TrendMaster
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/hjAlgos_notebooks
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/AutoCut
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/My_Projects
- https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/my_Arduino
## Some Cool Arduino and ESP8266 or NodeMCU IoT projects:
- IoT_LED_over_ESP8266_NodeMCU : Turn LED on and off using web server hosted on a nodemcu or esp8266 https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/my_Arduino/tree/master/IoT_LED_over_ESP8266_NodeMCU
- ESP8266_NodeMCU_BasicOTA : Simple OTA Over The Air upload code from Arduino IDE using WiFi to NodeMCU or ESP8266 https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/my_Arduino/tree/master/ESP8266_NodeMCU_BasicOTA
- IoT_CSV_SD : Read analog value of Voltage and Current and write it to SD Card in CSV format for Arduino, ESP8266, NodeMCU etc https://github.com/hemangjoshi37a/my_Arduino/tree/master/IoT_CSV_SD
- Honeywell_I2C_Datalogger : Log data in A SD Card from a Honeywell I2C HIH8000 or HIH6000 series sensor having external I2C RTC clock