
The Hidden Cause of Strokes and Heart Attacks: You weren't told

2024-03-25 4 Dailymotion

The Hidden Cause of Strokes and Heart Attacks: You weren't told...yet.

We're going to discuss a startlingly common hidden cause of heart attacks in this video. In his book "Hidden Epidemic," Dr. Thomas Levy revealed that the DNA of microorganisms commonly associated with infections in teeth treated with root canal therapy was also present in 78% of patients with myocardial infarctions and occluded arteries.

Chronic apical periodontitis is the term for this kind of infection, which frequently shows no signs. Chewing causes bacteria to enter the lymphatic system more deeply, which can impact the heart and lead to other inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Regular dental X-rays frequently miss infections in the teeth. Blood levels of C-reactive protein are a biomarker for inflammation and may occasionally indicate tooth infection.

The tonsils, jaw, gums, or teeth could all be infected. Free radical damage and severe oxidative stress can be caused by oral pathogens.

The formation of clots is one way your body reacts. Weariness, persistent inflammation, jaw issues, and dental sensitivity are other symptoms.

Liposomal vitamin C can help improve your immune system and stop bacteria from spreading from your teeth.

Take 1 to 2 grams (500 mg) a couple times per day. By acting as an antioxidant, vitamin C helps the body's oxidative stress levels.

One of the few forms of vitamin C that can function inside cells is liposomal. Even at high doses, liposomal vitamin C does not induce diarrhea.

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