
ROLLING DEAD - Fight for your survival in this fast-paced dice party game if you're fast & ruthless!

2024-03-19 48 Dailymotion

☕ If you want to support the channel: https://ko-fi.com/rollthedices
❤️‍ To support the project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arthory/rolling-dead/description
⭐ Website: https://www.arthory.fr/

3-6 players
Ages 7+
⌛ 5 minutes

It's happened, the world is infested with zombies, knocking human beings down a notch on the food ladder ! In this merciless dice game, you'll have to fight to survive or to feed yourself if by some misfortune you find yourself infested.

Rolling Dead is a game of dice combinations, speed and self-control. At the start of the game, everyone chooses their color and starts as a human with the associated dice. A virus dice is rolled and determines who will be the first infected in the game. If you become infected, you switch to the zombie side of the force and change your dice.

When the first person is infected, there is no laughing matter !

The dice combinations determine who attacks and who defends.

The attacking zombie or human must quickly touch the hand of
the target.

If a human is hit, he becomes a zombie. If a zombie is hit, he is eliminated from the game. But be careful, keep your cool, you can't afford ta make a mistake ! If you remove your hand for nothing, hit the wrong target or attack for no reason, you go fram human to zombie and from zombie to permanent death !

let's try a homerun !

A good zombie is a dead zombie ! The last human left standing will be declared the Grand Survivalist Winner. Of course, zombies can also win by being the last ones standing! In this case, the zombies have a choice. They can either win and live self-sufficiently in a beautiful, rotten world. Or they can go hungry again and become cannibals to the last survivor!