
DOUBLE DRAGON (Taito - Arcade - 1987)

2024-02-29 14 Dailymotion

Double Dragon is a beat'em up game released by Taito in 1987 for the Arcade rooms.

This is the story of two twin brothers, Billy and Jimmy Lee. Their knowledge of the martial arts, combined with the experience of tough urban existence, has made them both formidable fighting machines.

*FULL YOUTUBE LONGPLAY* -- https://youtu.be/EfKRRoeYR2g

YOUTUBE -- https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroDanuart?sub_confirmation=1
BUYMEACOFFEE -- https://buymeacoffee.com/retrodanuart
KO-FI -- https://ko-fi.com/retrodanuart
PATREON -- https://www.patreon.com/retrodanuart
PAYPAL -- https://paypal.me/retrodanuart

#DoubleDragon #Taito #Arcade #Gameplay #Longplay #Gaming #RetroGaming #VideoGames #RetroDanuart