
Action Extreme Gaming - Pokemon Gen 1: Leafgreen (Game Boy Advance) Leaf VS Misty Gym Battle

2024-02-04 5 Dailymotion

Action Extreme Gaming 2024 - Pokemon Gen 1: Leafgreen (Game Boy Advance) Leaf VS Misty Gym Battle

ahh Yes,good old Gen 1,the original generation that started it all,which gave us classic Roster lineups like Articuno,Vaporion,Pikachu,Kabutops,Mewtwo,Baulbasaur,Hitmonli and Hitmonchan,gengar,Poliwhirl,Charizard and Sand Slash!

Thats the case with this Playthrough Video,which I'll be playing as Leaf taking on Misty in the Fire Red/Leaf Green Game Boy Advance Remake!

Now yes,in the original GBC Versions "Red and Blue",Misty was unfairly Brutal and for one Wrong legit reason,dued to the rediculous Difficulty Spike Curve of her OP/Over Powered Starmie,which her Swift Attacks can whipe out your Pokemon in one fell Swoop if your under Leveled,regardless of the correct Pokemon Advantage type you choose,you can have a High LV Pikachu at 20 (or Higher) all you want,but once that Starmie kicks it in with it's Swift attacks.....it's ALL OVER Buddy!.......and once that happens my friends!!!.....you'll wish you'll be begging Misty for Mercy!!!

but the Fire Red/Green Leaf Remake changes all that!......now yes,Misty is still tough as Nails like she was in the original Game Boy Color Games,but you can turn this around in your favor advantage,because since The remake now includes TM Move sets from Gen 3: Ruby and Saphire,The Battle is now Much Easier,which I cutted it close here which I turned this Poke-Battle around by equipping my Baulbasaur with Bullet seed,but the one mistake I did make here was not spending enough time Grinding my Bulbasaur into an IvySaur.lol

My strategy was this for the Leaf Green Remake,Take out Misty's Staryu first with Pikachu,than save Butterfree and Ivysaur for backup reserve by First having butterfree use "Poison Powder" on Starmie,than kick it in into overdrive with IvySaur's Bullet Seed (But be warned,Misty has a backup plan of her own using a Super Potion),and because I lucked out with Bullet Seed,I managed to Curve Stomp her in this battle,just cutting it close on that Mark!

You taking notes here Ash Ketchum!........this is how you properly Curve stomp MIsty in an actual legit Poke-Battle,something you failed to do in the Gen 1 Anime!

Leaf will show you how it's Done with her Bulbasaur!

But joking aside,I should have spent more time Grinding Baulbasaur right there,because I'll admit,Misty came close to almost kicking my ass right there.XD

Now all I gotta say is this.......Misty!......this is for 25 years of hell your Togepi gave me in the Anime!!!

Oh and btw,be sure to check out the Valis Collection III,it's defentially worth the download:
