
Unpacked by AFAR (Podcast): S2, Ep 2: Happy New(ish) Year! Now Go Hug a Tree

2024-01-25 992 Dailymotion

Have you ever hugged a tree? If not, this episode of Unpacked by AFAR might inspire you to. Aislyn Greene, associate director of podcasts, talks with forest-bathing guide Ben Page about our tall, leafy friends: Why trees are so good for us, where to forest bathe in the United States, and how to bring the forest-bathing mindset wherever you go.

Read the transcript here: https://rebrand.ly/iltrpf2

Discover more episodes of the podcast here: https://www.afar.com/podcasts/unpacked

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Claudia Cardia - Video Editor
Elizabeth See - Designer
Sarika Bansal - Editorial Director
Aislyn Greene - Head of Podcasts
Topics discussed:

4:37: Meet Ben Page
8:23: Origins of forest bathing in Japan
12:48: How forest bathing works
32:07: Advice for skeptics and first-timers
39:29: One minute meditation