
Rank Solo Dota 2 Highlights Gameplay Dota 2 Funny Dota2 New Meta #dota2highlights #Dota2

2024-01-22 19 Dailymotion

Rank Solo Dota 2 Highlights Gameplay Dota 2 Funny Dota2 New Meta Combo Wombo Gameplay highlights of Dota 2. Dota 2 Disruptor best hero in this latest patch of dota 2 you can see the gameplay in this video so, you can learn why I choose disruptor and delete the anti-mage all the time actually disruptor can dominate easily in the whole game either in lanning stage or late game. Imba meta Disruptor funny and serious gameplay dota 2 highlights something is funny in this gameplay especially when I meet the anti-mage. Dota 2 Disruptor Support build new meta gameplay highlight. Dota 2 Live Stream Highlights Trending Gameplay.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/iQO6LGVaPI0

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