
Steatosis - How to get rid of fatty liver?

2024-01-22 1 Dailymotion

What does your liver do? The main function of the liver is to remove toxins from the body. It filters everything that enters your blood system: it cleans alcohol, drugs, pesticides and chemicals you come into contact with.
It also produces bile, stores iron, balances blood glucose, and produces protective and clotting factors.
Naturally we cannot live without the liver. So you have to take good care of it.
And everyone's liver is fatty. But if this fat exceeds 5% of the weight of the liver, we suffer from hepatic steatosis, that is, your liver is fatter than normal.
As a rule, there are 3 degrees of hepatic steatosis: grade 1 - mild hepatic steatosis; grade 2 when there is an accumulation of fat and grade 3 when there is a large accumulation of fat in the liver.
What can this fat in the liver cause? If it's low fat, it may not be a problem.
However, around 20 to 30% of people with steatosis may have steatohepatitis, which is inflammation of the liver. You do a blood test and you have high TGO and TGP which tells us that the liver is damaged. And if so, you could be in trouble, because this inflammation can progress to fibrosis and, over time, to cirrhosis and even liver cancer.
But let's say one good thing, courage, most of the time, can reverse a situation. If you remove up to 90% of your liver, it can return to its natural size. However, he is not invincible...
What are the symptoms of fatty liver? Most patients have no symptoms and this is a problem because sometimes people don't feel anything and the liver becomes inflamed.
That's why we need imaging tests - abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, MRI to make sure a person doesn't have a fatty liver.