

2024-01-18 4 Dailymotion

I let go of any negative feelings about myself.
I let go of any negative memories of myself.
I don’t blame myself anymore.
I have no lingering guilt about the past.
I can’t go back, I can only go forward.
I’ve learned all my lessons, I can’t let guilt control me.
I was doing the best I could at the time.
Guilt serves me no purpose.
Guilt is a false emotion.
I accept my past.
I trust myself with future choices.
I’ve learned from my mistakes.
I’ve forgiven myself completely.
I’m worthy of love and second chances.
I am capable of change.
I refuse to be controlled by guilt.
No one can make me feel guilty anymore.
I allow myself to make mistakes gracefully.
I accept myself unconditionally.
I am forgiven entirely.
I never allow myself to feel guilty.
I open myself up to receiving forgiveness from others.
I apologize for any mistakes whole heartily.
I lay down the heavy weight of not being perfect.
I release the past.
I am able to heal from the hurt and pain of any mistakes I have caused.
I release anger and rage I’ve gathered for myself.
I set my past free and forgive my participation in it.
I accept that I did the best I could at the time with what I knew.
I am able to forgive myself the way I forgive others.
I am forgiven lovingly.
I grow stronger as I move on.
My past actions do not define me.
I know my worth.
I am able to give and receive forgiveness easily.
Nothing can make me feel guilty.
No person can make me feel guilty.
My memories can’t make me feel guilty.
I am stronger than guilt.
I am stronger than my negative thoughts.
I am stronger because of my past.
I am stronger because I am truly forgiven.