
A comparison between God in Islam and God in Christianity

2023-12-21 16 Dailymotion

A comparison between God in Islam and Christianity

And Quranic evidence that Jesus is not God
And what is the reward for those who do not worship God?
And that God is the Creator and not an idol. God in Islam is the Creator, Owner, and Controller of all things. He is the One and Only One who has no partner or children. He is All-Knowing and Powerful of all things. He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Inward, and He is the Ever-Living and Sustaining. It is He who has no god but Him, and nothing is similar to Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. “Say: He is God, the One (1) God, the Eternal, the Eternal (2) He begot not, nor was He begotten (3) And there is no one equal to Him (4)” [Al-Ikhlas

God in Christianity is the Trinity, which is three persons in one entity Father, son, the holy soul. Christians believe that the Son is Jesus Christ, who was incarnated in humanity, died on the cross, and rose from the dead, and is the Savior and mediator between God and people. They believe that the Holy Spirit is a comforter, guide, and teacher for believers.
The Qur’an denies that Jesus is God or the Son of God, and affirms that he is the Messenger of God, His Word, and His Spirit, that He is an obedient servant and an honorable Prophet, and that He did not die on the cross, but God raised Him to Him. ﴿Indeed, the likeness of Jesus in the sight of God is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and it will be. (59) The truth is from your Lord, so do not be of the doubters. (60) So whoever disputes Therein after what has come to you of knowledge, so say, “Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and your souls, and then we will pray.” So We will place the curse of God upon the liars (61) (Al Imran
Christians believe that Christ was incarnated in humanity and born of the Virgin Mary, that he taught people the truth and goodness, that he worked wonders and miracles, that he died on the cross and rose from the dead, that he ascended to heaven, and that he will return at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. Christians bear witness that Christ is God and man in one person, and that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Christians consider the church to be a divine and human institution at the same time, and that it is holy, one, universal, and apostolic, and that it carries the message of the Gospel and salvation to all nations.
There is evidence in Christianity that indicates the existence of a Creator of the universe, and that the Creator was concerned with managing the universe and what is in it before the birth of Christ and after God Almighty raised him to Him. The universe existed before and after Christ, so how can He be God? In our time and now, at this moment, who can manage the universe and what is in it, and the God Jesus does not exist? . Do you not consider with your minds and think that Jesus, peace