Visited by the spirit world, a Hopi woman, an Aborigine man, and a Rabbi are told the earth will soon undergo worldwide desolation. They are divinely united to reveal the message to all humans that live upon Mother Earth. It all begins with a thermonuclear war between India and China over greed, which starts the cataclysmic events that alter the entire planet. They were told that man's carelessness with his scientific technology will cause a cascade of events that will literally change the face of Mother Earth. Will Sarah, Yirawala, and Rabbi Raboy be able to warn all the humans in time to prepare themselves for these cataclysmic events? This book is part one of the Desolation trilogy. Mother Earth purifies herself and completes her rebirth in books two and three. William F. Covey is an electrician, doctor and author. He currently resides in Santa Clarita, California. Although this book is pure fiction, Covey hopes humans will eventually make their number one priority managing their technological progress so they will stop poisoning the earth on a daily basis. He believes that if the humans do not start taking better care of earth's ecological system, they will have to pay a very costly price to repair earth's ability to nourish and reproduce life as we know it.