
VHDL Basics : New to VHDL - Write your first VHDL code today : Tutorial with Live Example

2023-12-06 9 Dailymotion

Are you New to VHDL coding - I will help you on your first VHDL code today.

We are making a simple digital system where you give 2 inputs say Input A & Input B, and it will give you the output after doing logical AND. In short we are making, a logical AND Gate, digital system.

I am assuming you already know what is Logical AND and how it function. so I am jumping straight to coding part.

If you donot know what is logical AND, You can refer HDLDesignLab.blogspot.com

This video is perfect for beginners who are new to VHDL. I will explain the basic concepts of VHDL in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

By the end of this video, you will be able to:

Write a simple VHDL program
Simulate your VHDL program
Synthesize and view the RTL Schematics
I hope you enjoy this video!

I hope you feel little confident to start writing a small digital system now.

VHDL Support all basic Gate functions by default, for example AND gate which we just desinged and apart that you will have OR Gate, Not Gate, NAND Gate, NOR Gate, XOR Gate and XNOR gate.

So if you feel little confident, try design your own digital system for all these basic digital Gates and test them by own.

I wish you the best.

Once you are done, please let me know from the comment section.

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